An Unmentionable Topic

       Emotional Incest is the Covert non-sexual relationship that exists when a child becomes their parent’s emotional support and thus a surrogate spouse. “I don’t know how I would live without you” to a child, then means the child has a ‘case load’ to deal with. These children then lose their childhood and become adult children. Often the parents are Alcoholics, so that leads to ACA or ACoA, Adult Children of Alcoholics. There are support groups for ACA’s.   Here is a link to : ACoA
        And many find that they have to have their “happy childhood” when they are 30 years old, and up!! I’m working on my book: “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Anger”, a childhood stolen & recovery as an adult.  BOOK SHOULD BE PUBLISHED by end of 2024! Thanks for checking out the site and TOPIC.  

                                                              REMEMBER : It’s never too late for a happy childhood!

Please have one!

Jim Gordon, Ph.D, MFT 
Beverly Hills Counseling / 204 S. Beverly Dr, #116 
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
text or call: 310-271-3784 / [email protected]